Friday 23 September 2011

Reaction to Brief

The breif of the virtual enviroments modules sounds both interesting and challenging and I feel it will be a great test to my 3D modelling and animation skills where I hope I can learn and improve upon what I already know.

The first part of the breif involves carefully constructing a 3D replica of my own face using a number of neccessary modelling techniques. I'm sure this will be both challenging and rewarding to see when completed.

The second part of the brief is a group project whereby in small teams we are tasked to create an animation representing either the history and uses of the historical Finchingfield Guildhall which is to be soon converted into a museum or to create a model of how the building will look after its redevelopment. At this moment in time I am unsure which scenario I would prefer but am looking forward to the project regardless.