Sunday 2 October 2011

Modelling My Face - Adding Depth

Continuing with the flat model of my face I began adding depth by selecting each vertices of the model in the front viewport and dragging it across using the side viewport.

First I selected all of the vertices on the center of my face and used the 'Make Planer' tool and aligning them on the X axis. This made sure I had a point for symmetry later on. I then selected each of these vertices and moved them to the profile of my face. To make this easier I changed the object to have the see-through property.

The next step was very difficult even when following the video guide. Attempting to move each vertices to its respectable position on the Z-axis. Getting the right depth was a lot of trial and error and since I found it easier I used the perspective viewport to check the position of each vertices by eye after moving it.

Eventually I ended up with the result shown above. Now that one half of the face was complete I saved time having to model the second half by applying a symmetry modifier to the object with the reference property. This means that any changes made to the original half will be reflected in the new half. However changes made to the second half will not effect the original. Since most peoples faces are not perfectly symmetrical this is ideal.

The above screenshot shows the current model in front and perspective view with the NURMS smoothing effect applied.

So far I am quite happy with my progress and quality of the model. While not completely accurate I still have plenty of time to make adjustments so that it better represents my own facial structure.

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