Wednesday 19 October 2011

Modelling My Face - UVW Mapping Continued

Because the ear is quite a complex shape I had to apply the same technique as I did to the head for the UVW Mapping.

I selected the ear polgons and rather then use the cylinder option like before I instead used the planer option and clicked fit to center in on the ear.

The next step is to unwrap the model using the pelt tool. But before that I added a seem to the ear so it can unwrap easier by splitting apart at the seem. The seem is shown above by the faint blue line.

Clicking the pelt tool opens the pelt mode window and tools. This unwraps the complex model out into a flat shape making it much easier to texture. Selecting Start Pelt pulls the polygons outwards as seen above.

With the ear now flat for texturing I got the result seen above. The checkers are even and not stretched. However they are far too small so they need to be scaled to the right size.

Scaling down the ear in the unwrap UVW window to about actual size gives a more accurate checker size.

With the texture unwrapping almost done it is important to check that there are no inverted or overlapping polygons as this can cause problems with the final texture. When searching for inverted polygons the software found the one shown above by the ear. This is because the polygon is not a typical quad shape causing it to become inverted.

The screenshot above shows the texture flow at the moment. There are no inverted or overlapping polygons. The next step is to add another unwrap modifier after the symmetry to get a more accurate texture flow.

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