Friday 21 October 2011

Modelling My Face - Evaluation

Progress Evaluation

The hand in date is today and overall I am pleased with my progress. My model may not be a spitting image of me and the expression of the model is a bit gormless but generally I am happy with the current result. I think that it is easily recognisable as being me. There are still some weak areas in the model in my opinion, for one I don't think the nose is completely accurate to my own around the nostrils.

Texture wise I have already expressed my dissatisfaction with the quality of the original reference images and if I had known early on how important it had been I would have taken the time to take a high quality photo where all features of the face were visible. Because of the problems with the image my final texture is slightly lower quality than it could be and I have no decent texture for the ears. 

At this stage I have yet to create a specular map for the model which could add even more to the realism of the texture. I plan to add this to the model over the next few weeks including, if possible a better texture for the ears.

I learnt a great deal during the last few weeks in terms of modelling techniques and how to effectively create textures. Being on the Computer Games Development course means that this module has been especially useful for me so far as I can apply my developing skills towards 3D modelling in video games.

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