Wednesday 19 October 2011

Modelling My Face - UVW Mapping Continued 2

I have now added the second unwrap modifier and positioned the mirrored polygons to be in line with the other half of the face.

 I then welded the vertices in the center of the face together using the vertex weld. This process turns both sides of the face into one large texture.

The green lines show the edges of the texture. Where the vertices have been welded they have become grey. I welded the center vertices together and made sure they were aligned with the align X tool.

With the texture now fully unwrapped I can check to see how it looks by rendering it as an image. I set the aspect ratio high at 2048 by 1024 and rendered it giving the result below. This can be used later in photoshop to help create the texture itself.

Before continiung however I also rendered the UVW Map in normal mode. This shows the normals of the model in colour. It also shows overlapping polygons in red which in this case can be seen on the shoulders of my model which I must have missed earlier.

The offending polygon is a triangle shaped polygon with the lower vertices overlapping each other.

I quickly fixed the problem and now have a smooth unwrapped texture.

I also rendered a copy in shaded mode to see the effect:

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