Monday 3 October 2011

Modelling My Face - Adding Head and Shoulders


Now that I have the face mostly done I can move on to adding the rest of the head and part of the shoulders. Before that however I have quickly added the eyes with a temporary texture to see how it looks.

I will probably come back to the eyes and create my own texture for better effect.


To save time modelling the head I can simply use the sphere shape tool to get a general smooth shape with equal spacing of polygons. To better line up the polygons with the existing face model I also reduced the number of segments in the sphere.

I then shaped the sphere to more like the width of my own head using the reference image and removed the uneeded polygons.

Because the model is using symmetry to create the second half of the face I removed the right side of the sphere so that I could use symmetry on that too. There is also lot of polygons in the sphere, too many to make it easy to work with.

Selecting every other edge on the curve of the remaining polygons and clicking the ring option highlights all of the edges seen in the above screen shot. Then using the collapse tool  removes these unnecessary polygons.

This is much easier to handle and turbosmooth can do most of the work anyway. The next step involves extruding out new polygons to shape the rest of the head, neck and shoulders.

After some trial and error I eventually had this which is rough but fairly representative of the human head. Applying symmettry and turbo smooth finally gives the look in the screenshot below.

Looking quite good at this stage. Next step; Ears.

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