Saturday 1 October 2011

Modelling My Face - Reference Planes

Getting started with the first half of the Virtual Enviroments module I have followed a video tutorial detailing how to set up some reference planes. The reference planes can be used later on to help the modelling process and are extremely useful.


The first step was to take two photos of my face, one face on and the other in profile. (I made sure to hold back my own hair so that the whole of my face could be seen).

Each photo was adjusted to remove any lens distortion created from the camera lens. This makes sure the photos are flat which makes it more accurate when lining up the features of my face in both images when put together.

To make sure each photo was correctly lined up I used the ruler tool as seen in the image above.


The next step involves highlighting the key facial features. Nose lines, lips, brow and any wrinkles in the skin. Compared to the video tutorial this was actually much harder to accomplish due to the general lack of age lines considering my own age.

These lines are designed to help visualise the main facial areas created by the faces muscles and are great starting points for step 3.


Following on from the facial features lines is arguably the most difficult step so far. Creating a polygon type reference mesh over one half of the face. Since polygon modelling works best when working with quads it was important to try and keep all lines square. Vertices with more than four lines attached are likely to create a pinching effect in the model and is best avoided.

This is the final reference plane image ready for use in 3D Studio Max.

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