Sunday 2 October 2011

Modelling My Face - Adding Detail

I now have a general model of my own face, but its not very detailed. The nose, lips, and eyes need work. Starting with the nose I used the connect and cut tools to add extra edges.

Using the reference image I shaped the nose to match my own. Having quite a distintive nose shape meant this was actually quite easy to figure out what parts to emphasise most. I also added the inside of the nostrils.

With the nose now more accurately resembling my own I started on the lips. To do this is selected the outer edges of the mouse and extruded them out by holding shift and moving them down and up respectively for each lip. Then using the connect tool I added some extra edges and added some extra detail.

The screenshot above shows how they look after using the turbosmooth modifier. While better looking im not one hundred percent happy with the result. I may come back to them and make adjustments later on.

Finally some adjustments to the eye sockets using a similar method to when making the lips. I also added a slight bump near the eye which look like the bags under my eyes.

There are still some issues with the model so far such as the sharpness of the nose which is quite noticable in the above screenshot and the design of the lips which i mentioned earlier. Otherwise the model is looking pretty good overall.

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