Monday 10 October 2011

Modelling My Face - A Few Touch Ups

Before continuing with the model I have spent some time making small adjustments to the mesh. I noticed that when turbosmoothing the model I was getting a few artifacts such as pointy vertices which were caused by non quad polygons which I had not noticed before.

Using the cut and remove tools I added a lot of extra lines in the model but it seems to have paid off as the model now looks much smoother.

I have checked all over the model and I am now certain there are no triangles or five sided polygons anywhere. This has a very positive effect when using the turbosmooth modifier as from the screenshot you can see that all of the lines flow well.

Perhaps if I had been more vigilant in the topology creating steps I could have avoided having to do this but for now I am happy that the model meets good modelling practices.

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